Intent IQ, a privacy-forward next generation identity resolution leader, announced the results of a new partnership with Fandom, the world’s largest fan platform. Through the partnership, Fandom deployed Intent IQ’s Bid Enhancement solution, an identity resolution service that helps advertisers identify and reach coveted Apple users as well as other cookieless audiences via standard programmatic activation platforms. Powered by Intent IQ’s Alternative ID and patented technology, the privacy-first solution simultaneously increases efficiency in the ad campaign targeting process for advertisers and inventory monetization for publishers, driving sustainable performance improvements for both parties. As a result of the partnership, Fandom observed revenue lifts from cookieless users ranging from 55% to 140% across their website properties.
Representing well over half of the smartphone users in the US, Apple’s 133 million mobile users have an average household income 40% higher than Android users. However, these and other cookieless users contribute less than 20% of attributable programmatic revenues: in the absence of cookies, reach and measurement are a significant challenge. With the Intent IQ partnership, Fandom aimed to increase addressability and revenue for advertisers across cookieless environments, particularly those with premium audience such as iOS and Safari. Through the partnership, 79% of the cookieless audience reached were iOS users, and that audience was responsible for a 26% increase in CPM and 58% increase in fill rate across Fandom sites, reflecting strong advertiser interest in reaching these audiences.
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Based on the company’s proprietary cross-device identity graph, Intent IQ’s alternative ID includes over 180 million North American users of cookieless devices, browsers and apps. The alternative ID delivers complete addressability to 50 billion ad opportunities everyday across more than 100,000 sites and apps. User matching is performed in real time with 90% deterministically verified accuracy as a result of finely tuned deep learning algorithms trained on billions of deterministic signals refreshed every 48 hours.
“This is a challenging moment for advertisers, not only because of the limitations and fragmentation of addressable environments, but also because of the overall privacy landscape,” said Jason Tollestrup, VP, Global Revenue Strategy & Operations at Fandom. “We needed a privacy-safe solution that would help us to improve advertising performance in cookieless environments, and we found that solution with Intent IQ. We saw sustained revenue lift across all cookieless users including iOS, Safari and Firefox, demonstrating that advertisers can operate effectively in these environments if they have the right strategies and technologies.”
SOURCE: GlobeNewswire
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