Community and Consumer Privacy in the Metaverse Beyond Third Party Cookies


When forming a metaverse strategy, brand marketers must consider the privacy implications of reaching audiences through ads as they move beyond third-party cookies into Web 3.

The term “metaverse” is no longer merely fashionable. In order to figure out how to take advantage of this new way to connect with and engage consumers, brands and their marketers are investing a lot of money.

People use digital avatars to work, play, and shop in this virtual world, and brands have already entered this realm. However,

moving past third-party cookies and into Web3, brand marketers must take into account the privacy implications of reaching audiences through ads.

Steps to building community trust

Customers don’t always feel comfortable having their online browsing habits tracked. Respect for customer privacy is thus even more essential given the increased level of personal information made available through their interactions in the metaverse. Businesses need to increase consumer trust while utilizing a new platform.

First, companies should focus on transparency. According to a recent survey on Third Party Cookies by MediaMath, 84% of consumers are more likely to trust companies that prioritize the use of personal data while maintaining privacy. Users need to be informed clearly and simply by brands about the “what” and “why” behind their personal data collection, processing, and retention practices.

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It’s critical that businesses use privacy-enhancing technologies like data clean rooms and adhere to design principles like purpose limitation, data minimization, and pseudonymization. Finally, companies should be held accountable by making sure they can back up everything they claim in their privacy policies to protect users. These should specify their approach and call for conducting annual audits to evaluate those procedures.

These privacy compliance programs ought to already be in place for brand operations on other platforms; the metaverse only requires them to be modified. The secret is to constantly rely on the thought leadership of the industry to work together on developing, enhancing, and improving solutions that can scale and satisfy the compliance requirements of this new digital frontier.

The implications for the privacy of the metaverse

Brand marketers must forge their own path to preserving consumer trust until policymakers create specific and thorough regulations for the metaverse. To accomplish this, brands should follow a data ethics approach to guarantee that consumer-first outcomes also prioritize privacy. If the initial design strategy seems intrusive, marketers need to reconsider how they can accomplish their objectives while causing the least amount of damage to people’s privacy.

Various nations and states now have different privacy laws. This is a result of various societal and governmental approaches to striking a balance between people’s and companies’ legal rights.

The GDPR of the EU, for instance, recognizes personal data as being an individual’s property. As a consumer under a consumer protection law, individuals are given privacy rights under California’s CCPA. As a result, there is no such thing as a universal strategy. The creation and full adoption of industry-wide self-regulatory policies is the most promising response to this problem.

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Strategizing for data privacy in the metaverse

In the metaverse, community and consent can coexist, and brands should give this harmony top priority in their plans. In this new virtual environment, brands must seize the chance to offer better, broader, and more sophisticated brand experiences without being intrusive. To further demonstrate how highly they value individual data privacy, they can also advocate for rules and laws that prevent user privacy violations and unfair data collection practices.

The first-party relationship is far too frequently disregarded in the metaverse, which is a community-driven environment. Brands and publishers can get back to the core of their relationship with consumers by interacting with them directly and gathering information that is given to them directly.