The Rising Need for an Elevated Mobile Marketing Strategy


Companies must invest in a robust mobile marketing strategy to stay relevant with their audience, who increasingly demand a strong, personalized experience when connecting with brands.

According to a 2020 Verified Market Research report, “Mobile Marketing Market Size and Forecast,” as smartphones become increasingly integrated into people’s daily lives, the mobile marketing business is expected to grow to US$386 billion by 2027. The traditional brick-and-mortar channels are no longer sufficient for business.

Companies must invest in a more advanced mobile marketing approach to remain relevant to their audience, who increasingly expect a rich, personalized experience.

Mobile marketing has a greater audience reach than print marketing, which audiences access physically and has billions of users worldwide. Accessibility that has been shown to be both more profitable and irreplaceable is created by eliminating the need to be physically there to experience a marketing campaign.

Additionally, mobile marketing is very personalized. Consumers today expect tailored marketing, and businesses are now making it a priority. Mobile marketing blurs boundaries and removes any justification for lack of personalization by providing businesses with access to their target market and more data than before.

The marketing initiatives could succeed or fail based on how well they are designed for mobile devices. Here are some strategies companies can adopt:

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Make the Website Mobile-Friendly

No matter how appealing the images, content, or call to action are, if a company doesn’t correctly optimize their website for mobile, they are missing out on a substantial portion of their target audience. Easy access to mobile-friendly websites enables people to engage with the brand across devices. Customers won’t return if the website is frustrating to use on smartphones. Businesses need to develop successful, engaging experiences that increase customer retention and brand loyalty.

The brand must create and maintain a mobile-friendly experience as more customers log in from mobile devices. This will help the brand to be able to keep up with changing trends and consumer demands throughout the entire customer journey.

Utilize Mobile Along with NFC, QR Codes, and Geofencing 

The improvement of physical-to-digital engagement will be a major goal for businesses in the upcoming years. And not just because there are more people using smartphones. The pandemic has contributed to customers feeling more at ease doing business online. They also have a newfound appreciation for real-world experiences. For the best of both worlds, companies can and must find a method to link offline and online experiences.

One option is to place QR codes in physical locations and can be used as access points to online resources. Through mobile-friendly technology, QR codes are a great way to merge the physical and digital experiences for customers who want more information.

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Using proximity marketing solutions – geofencing and Near-Field Communication (NFC) technology, is another solution for mobile optimization. NFC tags help businesses engage customers and give them a compelling reason to revisit physical locations. They target customers who are close by and send them advertisements or discount codes promoting the company. This can enhance customer satisfaction and increase ROI.

Brands can leverage these technologies to address common in-store pain points by providing online options to ask queries without needing to track down an associate or an option for mobile check-out. Additionally, consumers can be given a chance to give feedback on their experience through proximity marketing solutions. These mobile-driven solutions encourage consumer interaction across all touchpoints by enhancing both digital and physical engagement.

A sophisticated mobile marketing strategy is essential for the success of a brand. In addition to being more affordable than many other forms, these strategies also have a wider audience than traditional techniques. Brands cannot afford to neglect effective mobile-marketing strategies with mobile devices here to stay.