Top 6 Ways to Exceed B2B Buyers eCommerce Expectations


With the boost of digitization in the entire globe during the pandemic, B2B eCommerce buying processes have evolved exponentially.

The B2B buyers today expect a top-notch customer experience, and all the touch points want to be an active part of the purchasing process. CMOs should consider implementing effective marketing strategies that enable businesses to adjust according to consumer demands.

According to a recent report by Gartner titled “Sales Transformation: The Future of Sales,” nearly 33% of the buyers expect a seller-free purchase experience. Moreover, the study also predicts that approximately 80% of the B2B sales interactions between vendors and clients will happen in digital channels.

Presales teams need to leverage eCommerce strategies in their workflow to suffice the market demands of a seller-free buying experience.

Here are a few ways to exceed B2B buyers‘ eCommerce expectations:

Omnichannel selling opportunities

Clients are at the core factor of all successful enterprises. With the surge in the availability of channels, clients today have access to various channels and sources. B2B enterprises need to ensure they deliver a seamless omnichannel B2B eCommerce experience to enhance the customer journey. It is one of the most effective ways to provide easy access to multiple touchpoints in the B2B purchase processes.

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Develop a website for eCommerce scalability

Large B2B enterprises might have to process a large volume of orders and products for various users and clients. CMOs should consider evaluating and selecting the right eCommerce platform that helps their enterprise scale. Enterprises can evaluate the platform based on its uptime and capabilities in processing large volumes of traffic and orders.

Design and implement interactive B2B buyer journey

The business-to-business purchase journeys are intricate, and it is crucial for presales teams to determine the touch points. Marketing teams need to design and implement a robust presales campaign to captivate buyers at the right time to increase the conversion rate. Integrating Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and conversational AI in the eCommerce platform will enable enterprises to stimulate the applications of their products and services.

Integrate automation into the marketing tech stack

Enterprises that aim to flourish their B2B eCommerce platform need to deliver a top-notch customer experience throughout their lifecycle. CMOs should consider integrating automation tools in the enterprise tech stack to deliver a frictionless purchase experience. Automation tools to customize the quotes, deals, and invoices will increase the transparency in the buying process.

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Minimize irrelevant and noisy touch points

Poorly integrated B2B marketing eCommerce tech stack will result in a noisy and irrelevant customer experience. CMOs should consider reducing the noise by improving the relevancy of the entire purchase process. Marketing teams need to determine the prospective buyer’s language to align the presales campaign accordingly to get more accurate results. Delivering a seamless eCommerce purchase experience will help businesses to base strategies on customer preferences, and that could be the key to successful modern enterprises.

Reduce the guesswork for buyers

B2B marketing enterprises need to gather highly attributed fresh product data that helps them to ensure purchase certainty. Buyers today expect better visibility and transparency around the products and services to build trustworthy relationships. Businesses need to reveal those data points throughout the purchase cycle to enhance and ensure transparency. Easy access to product and service-related information will help to gain customer trust.