Appointment of Mary Ann Packo as CEO of Ipsos in North America


Ipsos, one of the world’s leading market research companies, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mary Ann Packo, as CEO of Ipsos in North America. Reporting to Ben Page, CEO of Ipsos, she joins the Group Management Committee.

Mary Ann Packo has been working in the market research industry for over 25 years. She has extensive international experience, particularly in the field of brand building, marketing, advertising, consumer research, digital measurement and advisory services.

Prior to joining Ipsos, Mary Ann was a Senior Partner at Hypothesis Group, a premium insights, strategy, and design agency.

She began her career in the United States, before moving to Paris in 1995 as Executive Director of a joint venture dedicated to studies for Consumer Goods companies, and whose two shareholders were NFO, one of the leading American marketing research companies, and Ipsos. Back in the United States, she served until 2001 as President and Chief operating officer of Media Metrix, a company specializing in the measurement of websites and digital networks. Ipsos and GfK were shareholders of the European subsidiary of Media Metrix.

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From 2002 to 2015, she was CEO of Millward Brown North America. She became CEO of Kantar Insights North America, then CEO of Kantar Gold Rush – where she worked closely with major Tech players – until 2020.

Ben Page, CEO of Ipsos, commented: “We are thrilled to welcome Mary Ann to Ipsos. Her exceptional leadership, wealth of industry expertise, and ability to drive growth in an international environment make her an invaluable asset to our Group. Her deep understanding of market research and her commitment will undoubtedly strengthen our North American operations, a region of paramount importance to Ipsos.”

Mary Ann Packo holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and serves as a member of the ARF Board of Directors. As a Women in Leadership Champion, Mary Ann is a passionate advocate for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, with a particular focus on advancing women into leadership roles.