BuyerForesight Unveils end-to-end Audience-Based Marketing Practice


BuyerForesight is excited to announce the launch of its new website focused on its Audience-Based Marketing practice. Audience-Based Marketing (AuBM) is a framework for building a loyal, engaged audience of opted-in B2B prospects with great thought leadership content, experiences and events. Audience-Based Marketing is a way of building a business, not just a pipeline.

BuyerForesight has proven that people who join and participate in a community of like-minded professionals will provide high-value insights about their pain points and how they are trying to solve them.

AuBM works by providing valuable information and experiences to motivate prospects to join and engage with a company’s community. Creating a welcoming environment without any overt selling creates value for the company that goes well beyond branding and sales opportunities.

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Ashutosh Prasad, CEO of BuyerForesight, emphasizes the essence of their strategy: “True audience-based marketing demands an outward mindset, prioritizing empathy over promotion. When our marketing efforts stem from a genuine place of caring, we achieve relevance that withstands the barrage of information overload.”

Audience-Based Marketing is an end-to-end practice that spans the company’s sales, marketing, product, operations, and customer service functions. It starts with giving prospects and customers a safe space to brainstorm and learn without being pitched. Companies get to participate in and learn from those conversations. With that understanding companies can create content, interactive events, and experiences authentically organized around audience concerns, not company sales targets.

This is how companies can nurture and begin to build relationships, some of which may become sales conversations. When that happens, the company is ready to deep-dive into specific use cases and pull in the right partner to complement their offering and deliver the best solution for their buyer.

And all those audience members who don’t buy? They are gold, providing contrary points of view that add depth and interest to a company’s community.