CoSchedule Launches Brand New Agency Calendar For Marketing Agencies


CoSchedule, a leader in marketing calendar software, proudly announces the launch of its new Agency Calendar. This newest plan is designed to improve how marketing agencies manage their client work, offering a unified platform for calendar organization, social media management, AI-driven content creation, and reporting.

CoSchedule’s Agency Calendar introduces a set of tools designed to consolidate client calendars, approvals, and project management into a single, cohesive system. CoSchedule’s solution eliminates the need for management spreadsheets and email threads, providing agencies with a centralized Client Calendar tailored to each client’s needs.

The new Client Approval Dashboard provides agencies with a review channel for client social messages. Clients can access a real-time list of content awaiting their review. With one-click approvals and feedback notes, agencies can reduce review time and execute campaigns more effectively.

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From Account Managers to designers, users can update permissions to give their internal team access to the client content they need and remove access to social channels or content they shouldn’t have access to on their Calendars.

CoSchedule’s Agency Calendar includes AI tools agencies need to scale content output. Agency teams can use CoSchedule‘s built-in AI tools to create more content and social messages with the help of AI.

Agency Calendar includes Social Media Reports, so agencies can create white label social media reports built specifically for each of their clients.

SOURCE: EINPresswire