SOCi Sets New Standard for Compliance: Introducing SOCi Shield for Proactive Compliance Support


SOCi, Inc., the CoMarketing Cloud for multi-location enterprises, unveiled SOCi Shield, the only all-in-one proactive compliance solution designed specifically for multi-location businesses and financial services firms. A protective layer surrounding the CoMarketing Cloud, SOCi Shield offers comprehensive protection and simplicity for local marketing. It streamlines existing compliance processes, adheres to regulatory standards, and protects brand integrity online at every location.

Businesses with high regulatory needs often struggle to balance the flexibility for local content creation with the necessity of adhering to regulatory and brand standards. Traditional methods, which rely on multiple disjointed tools, can be inefficient and costly. SOCi Shield addresses these issues by integrating marketing and compliance workflows into a single platform, enhancing operational efficiency, productivity, and reducing IT costs.

“The balance between centralized compliance and decentralized content creation is crucial for enterprise growth, but also introduces legal and security risks,” said Falk Gottlob, Chief Product Officer, SOCi. “We designed SOCi Shield to mitigate these risks while ensuring consistent brand standards across all digital channels and locations. It prevents the publication of non-compliant content, regardless of whether it is created by corporate teams, local agents, or generative AI.”

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Key Features & Benefits

  • Safeguard Content Creation: Our platform leverages AI-driven compliance technology to facilitate content protection and guide advisors toward creating brand-consistent and optimized posts
  • Stay Ahead with Advanced Alerts: Our platform proactively detects compliance breaches with a native alert system, mitigating risks before they escalate.
  • Archival Capabilities: SOCi Shield integrates with top archiving compliance tools, preserving records for regulatory needs.
  • Robust Security: In the critical sectors of finance and healthcare, SOCi Shield provides robust security features, including GDPR compliance tools, annual audits, and advanced encryption.

While SOCi Shield is designed to assist with compliance, the ultimate responsibility for adhering to regulatory standards and brand guidelines rests with the user. SOCi Shield secures your data and offers archiving, but it’s important for users to monitor, follow best practices, and make sure everything aligns with regulations and their brand.