TechTarget Launches IntentMail AI To Improve B2B Sales Efficiency And Yields Using Personalization Fueled By Market-Leading Prospect-Level Intent


TechTarget, Inc, the global leader in B2B technology purchase intent data and services, announced that it has launched IntentMail AI, a new feature within its Priority EngineTM platform that allows B2B sellers to quickly and easily create highly personalized business-relevant email messaging. The level of targeting and messaging precision possible with this feature is only achievable because the AI involved is continuously trained using TechTarget’s unique and proprietary opt-in Prospect-Level IntentTM insights. Unlike other offerings recently reaching the market, only IntentMail AI combines recent, relevant account information together with deep insights on what the specific targeted recipient has been actually researching on TechTarget’s global publishing network. As such, IntentMail AI will not only help drastically reduce the time it takes for sales teams to more effectively personalize outbound outreach, it stands to dramatically increase conversion.

IntentMail AI is the first offering in TechTarget Personalize AssistTM, a new suite of functionality the Company will be releasing over the next year. The focus of these solutions is on assisting the various members of enterprise tech company go-to-market organizations in improving message relevance while decreasing the effort required to create them.

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“According to the recent session featuring Forrester at TechTarget’s Reach Virtual Summit, 3 Ways AI is Revolutionizing Sales, currently only 23% of a sellers time is actually spent selling, down significantly from Pre-COVID levels,” said Mike Cotoia, Chief Executive Officer, TechTarget. “We are committed to developing solutions like IntentMail AI to help efficiently fuel the relevance and precision necessary for improved outcomes.”

Currently in Beta release with more than 500 sales users, IntentMail AI will be fully available to all Priority Engine customers as of December 2023. Early results with trial customers have been exciting. As related by Andy Briney, Chief Product Officer, TechTarget, “Our early adopters are on pace to use this feature thousands of times this month, saving them countless hours of work hand-crafting their own emails. Select users report that we’ve dropped the time required to relevantly message a prospect from 10 minutes down to 45 seconds. When we roll out this feature to all our clients, we’re expecting them to see immediate improvement in opportunity creation and revenue productivity.”

Early feedback from sales users at our customers has been very positive:

  • “We’re impressed so far. This is a game changer for sales reps, especially BDRs.” – Application Performance and Security Vendor
  • “I haven’t ever used a tool that can write emails for me and tell me exactly what a prospect is researching around. I see a lot of value here.” – Enterprise Cloud Communications vendor
  • “Everyone’s trying to better their tools and become the best intent platform, but I think you guys nailed it with this.” – Enterprise Integration Technology vendor

SOURCE: Businesswire