Zeta Global Releases Intelligence-Powered Marketing Innovations to Boost Enterprise Business Growth


Zeta Global, the AI-powered Marketing Cloud, announced new Zeta Marketing Platform (ZMP) solutions to provide enterprise brands with powerful AI-enabled capabilities that deliver better experiences for consumers and better results for marketing programs. The new solutions were first revealed at Zeta’s annual New York City based conference, ZETA LIVE 2023, which brought together thought leaders from across the spectrum of business and culture to discuss the future and power of Intelligence.

During the conference’s Product Keynote, Zeta’s Chief Technology Officer, Chris Monberg, and Chief Data Officer, Neej Gore, unveiled new innovations in identity, generative AI, and consumer engagement delivered through the Zeta Marketing Platform (ZMP). The unified solutions within a single platform will enable enterprise brands to unlock actionable intelligence to make more informed business decisions, improve personalization across all touchpoints, and deliver stronger business results for brands.

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Chris Monberg and Neej Gore jointly stated, “Our long-term investments in our Data Cloud and AI, coupled with new innovations that build on the disruptive force of Generative AI, sharpen the ZMP’s differentiation and bring us closer to our vision to make sophisticated marketing simple. The ZMP is one of one. It is the only platform that integrates data from outside a client’s four walls to work seamlessly with their first-party data. Furthermore, the ZMP creates incremental intelligence that augments a brand’s existing customer profiles and bridges the enhanced profile to personalized engagement across multiple channels – all while generating a lower total cost of ownership. It’s a very complex process, but our clients, the world’s most sophisticated marketers, demand more. We truly believe the companies that win in the future will use AI to create and sustain more profitable relationships with consumers through actionable intelligence.”

“Despite massive investments in data and technology, marketers still struggle to personalize more than 50% of their customer interactions, and that number is a lot lower for personalizing journeys,” said Gerry Murray, Research Director, Enterprise Marketing Technology at IDC. “Personalization at scale is crucial to customer experience, loyalty, and lifetime value. As a result, we’re seeing an uptick in replacement of older martech solutions in favor of modern platforms with deeper engagement, intelligence, and data capabilities.”

“We chose Zeta based on their vision and commitment to stay ahead of the market. We are excited to be partnering with Zeta to redefine and deliver cutting-edge Generative AI capabilities that will elevate the way we engage clients and prospects. Together, we are building the AI-powered marketing technologies that will power the next generation of customer experiences,” said Sarah Sharp-Wangaard, VP of Marketing, Hibbett.

SOURCE: Businesswire