Cloudflare Enables Content Creators Retrieve Control of their Content from AI Bots


Cloudflare, Inc., a pioneer connectivity cloud company, revealed AI Audit, a collection of tools to assist websites of any size evaluate and control how their content is utilized by artificial intelligence (AI) models.

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For the first time, website and content creators can quickly and effortlessly determine how AI model providers are utilizing their content and then take authority over whether and how the models can access it. Further, Cloudflare is developing a new functionality where content creators can reliably establish a fair price for their content, which is leveraged by AI enterprises to train their model and retrieval augmented generation (RAG). Owners of websites including for-profit organizations, media, small personal sites, or news publications might be astonished to understand that all types of AI bots scan their content multiple times each day without the consent of content creators or not being compensated for their efforts. It causes immense destruction to the business value irrespective of being small or large.

Read More: Cloudflare Enables Content Creators Retrieve Control of their Content from AI Bots