Adjust Unveils Multi-Platform Deep Linking Solution for Mobile App Marketers To Drive In-App Engagement


The leading measurement and analytics company Adjust unveiled TrueLink, a solution for mobile app marketers to create branded and personalized linking experiences that promote in-app engagement across multiple platforms and environments, including social media, messenger, SMS and the web. With TrueLink, marketers can streamline the user journey and make navigation to specific in-app locations effortless – driving higher conversion rates, boosting engagement, and ultimately increasing ROI at a time when privacy restrictions have complicated (re)engagement strategies.

“Modern marketers know they need a deep linking solution to maximize user engagement, but what we heard from our customers is how tedious and time-consuming it is having to create different links for different platforms,” said Katie Madding, Chief Product Officer at Adjust. “TrueLink enables privacy-minded marketers to quickly and easily create one multi-platform, customizable link to deliver seamless, trustworthy user experiences.”

TrueLink is at the heart of Adjust’s Engage pillar designed for marketers to guide users in-app, enhance brand reputation and expand marketing reach, solidifying Adjust as an end-to-end platform for growth. App marketers can quickly create branded deep links that are short, easily editable and optimized for multiple campaign types, such as influencers, QR and referral.

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TrueLink’s features and benefits include:

  • A single multi-platform deep link that can be used across various campaign types, saving marketers time on manual link creation and eliminating the need to create individual links for different platforms and environments.
  • Multiple link creation options via the Adjust UI or deep link API that generates deep links, in bulk or individually, for apps that require link variations, including user referrals, influencer campaigns and product promotions.
  • An overall reduced tech stack by keeping engagement solutions with measurement and analytics in one marketing platform.

SOURCE: BusinessWire