Arçelik introduces its new technology to enhance sustainable solutions for homes

Arçelik, parent company of major home appliance brands including Beko and Grundig, is challenging the traditional sustainability model that shapes so many mainstream brands these days. In his keynote address at IFA Berlin on Friday, September 2, Arçelik CEO Hakan Bulgurlu will invite industry leaders to reflect on the impact of their companies on the environment, a speech that will draws on his experience as CEO and President of APPLiA.

Addressing the topic of technological advancements and sustainability, Hakan Bulgurlu will deliver a keynote aimed at redefining the way companies view their impact on the environment. Focused on the notion of ”  richer people, poorer planet  “, he will explain that some of the solutions offered by companies to reduce their impact on the planet actually result in an increase in demand and consumption, which worsens environmental problems.

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Arçelik’s brands, Beko and Grundig, will participate in the IFA in the section dedicated to household appliances, in Hall 3.1.

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